Public Outreach

My work focuses on different ways of “doing democracy”—from a theoretical and an empircial viewpoint. One of my core claims is that democratic theorising—and developing practical, action-guiding visions for contemporary pluralistic societies—needs a “methodological turn”: we need actively integrate diverse citizens’ perspectives into the development of visions for democratic renewal and reform. Briefly put: social and political theorists/scientists need to get out of the academic ivory tower and actively engage with (so-called) “lay citizens” about their perspectives on contentious political issues and potentials for reforming the very “rules of the democratic game”. Deliberative assemblies or mini-publics, citizen consultation forums that constitute one focal point of my research are one way to embrace this perspective and put it into practice. But what’s equally important are our everyday conversations in cafes, at kitchen tables, at work, with friends and neighbors!

Yet engaging with citizens may also amount to communicating the findings of this research and “democratic experimentation” in diverse media and forums.

Below you may find some selected podcasts and public opinion pieces—feedback is warmly welcome!

Selected contributions to public discourses etc.

Fleuß, D. (2022): Alternatives to Fake News [Interview with Maren van Treel]. In: Development + Cooperation 11/2022, 9-10.

Almeida, S., Bussu, S., Fleuß, D., Odour, R.M.J., Gagnon, J.P. (2021): Decolonizing Democratic Innovations. Beyond the White and Western Gaze. In blog series “Agora: Democracy Beyond the West”, Participatory and Deliberative Democracy Specialist Group, Political Studies Association (UK).

Fleuß, D. (2020): Warum Politische Theorie nicht praxisfern sein muss. [Why Political Theory Matters for Political Practice] In: Politikum Sonderheft/Special Issue 2020: Wem nutzt die Politikwissenschaft?, 11-16.

Fleuß, D. (2020): Das digitale Semester als Herausforderung, Chance, Risiko - aber für wen? Blog Artikel, „Forum e-Semester“ [Blog contribution on the challenges of moving teaching to digital spaces during the COVID-19 pandemic], Theorieblog.

Fleuß, D. (2019): Why Vote? Using Political Theory to Encourage Political Participation. Blog article, APSA's "Raise the Vote”-Campaign, Political Science Now.

Fleuß, D. (2019): Politisch sensible normative Fragen diskutieren – aber wie? [Report:

Guest lectures on women’s rights, feminism and the gender gap in Tansania], Blog

contribution, Teaching and Learning Group DVPW.

Fleuß. D. (2019). Stand up, don’t be a Stoic! In Epoché. Philosophy Monthly. Issue 23, June 2019.

Radio F.R.E.I - Recording of a public panel discussion on the impact of social media on democratic discourses: “Der politische Diskurs in den sozialen Medien - Chance oder Risiko für unsere Demokratie?”, University of Erfurt, May 14, 2018. 14. Mai 2018.

Fleuß, D. (2017). Gemeinsames Gedankenexperimentieren in der Hochschullehre. [Thought Experiments in the Lecture Hall], Blog contribution, Teaching and Learning Group German Political Science Association/DVPW.